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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2023.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Data Source API Reference Guide

This page describes the dataSource endpoint, through which users can subscribe to data sources, make unmasking and query debug requests, and manage data source tasks. To create data sources, see the specific handler endpoints.


Additional fields may be included in some responses you receive; however, these attributes are for internal purposes and are therefore undocumented.

Data source workflow

  1. Search data sources and data source details.
  2. Access data sources and make data source requests.
  3. Manage data source requests.
  4. Update data sources.
  5. Delete a data source.

Search data sources and data source details

Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource Search for data sources.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId} Get a data source based on the ID.
GET /dataSource/name/{dataSourceName} Get data source based on the name.
GET /dataSource/sqlTableName/{shortName} Get data source based on the short name.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/lineage/{type} Get parent and child relationship records for derived data sources using a specified data source ID.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries Search for queries associated with the provided data source ID.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/blob/{blobId*} Retrieve a blob.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{commentId} Get a comment by ID for the data source.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments Get all the comments for the data source.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/count Count the comments for a data source.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access Get all users with the provided access level for this data source.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/users/{profileId}/policyInfo Retrieves the visibilities, masking information, and filters that the passed in user has access to in the specified data source.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/users/{profileId}/visibilityReport Retrieves a summary of total records, total visibilities, and visibilities a given user has access to.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/visibilityReport Retrieves a summary of total records, total visibilities, and visibilities the current user has access to for a specified data source.

Search for data sources


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource Search for data sources.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
blobHandlerType array[string] Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., Custom, MS SQL). No
subscription array[string] The requesting user's subscription status: pending, owner, subscribed, not_subscribed, expert, or ingest. No
status array[string] The data source status: passed or failed. No
tag array[string] Filters data sources by tags associated with the data sources. No
searchText string Searches for data source names using the provided string. No
column array[string] Searches for data source column names. No
connectionString array[string] Searches by connection string. No
schema string Searches for data source schema. No
nameOnly boolean When true, searchText will only search data source names. Default is false. No
idOnly boolean When true, only returns the ID Of the data source and the user's subscription status. No
dataSourceIds array[integer] Searches for the provided data source IDs. No
selectFields array[string] This field accepts the values id, name, and columnEvolutionEnabled. When id or name are provided, the request will return only the ID or name of the data source and the subscription status. If columnEvolutionEnabled is provided, the response will also include information about the policies, policy conflicts, and workspaces associated with the data sources. No
offset integer Used in combination with size to fetch pages. Default is 0. No
size integer The number of results to return per page. Default is 10. No
sortField string Used to sort results by field, which must be createdAt, name, blobHandlerType, subscriptionStatus, recordCount, status, policy, or editable. No
sortOrder string Sorts results by order, which must be asc or desc. No
excludedProjects array[integer] Filter out any data sources that belong to the specified projects. No
ephemeral boolean When true, returns ephemeral data sources. No
clusterName string The name of the remote cluster the data source is connected to. No
mode integer Specifies the query mode, which must be 0 (FULL), 1 (COUNT), 4 (TAG), 5 (MIN_MAX), or 6 (STATUS). No
globalPolicy string Filter by data sources that have this Global Policy applied. No
hostname string Searches data sources by hostname. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
name string Data source name.
id integer Data source ID.
deleted boolean If true the data source is a deleted data source.
description string The data source description.
createdAt timestamp The date and time the data source was created.
subscriptionPolicy array Details the type of Subscription Policy applied to the data source.
schemaEvolutionId integer The schema evolution ID.
recordCount integer The record count.
status array[string] Accepted statuses are passed or failed.
subscriptionStatus array[string] Accepted statuses are subscribed or unsubscribed.
blobHandlerType array[string] Describes the type of underlying blob handler of this data source (e.g., Custom, MS SQL).
subscriptionType string The type of subscription policy on the project. The type can be automatic (which allows anyone to subscribe), approval (which requires the subscriber to be manually approved), policy (which only allows users with specific groups or attributes to subscribe), or manual (which requires users to be manually added).
connectionString string The connection string information.
sqlSchemaName string The schema name.
policy string When this value is none, there are no data policies applied to the data source. Otherwise, this field indicates whether or not there are policy conflicts among the data policies applied to the data source.
policyHandlerType string The policy handler type, such as None or Builder.

Request example

The following request returns 2 data sources.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "name": "Public Barfoo",
  "id": 22,
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "deleted": false,
  "description": null,
  "createdAt": "2021-07-22T14:11:55.539Z",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
      "type": "subscription",
      "automaticSubscription": true
  "schemaEvolutionId": 1,
  "recordCount": 0,
  "status": "passed",
  "subscriptionStatus": "subscribed",
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "subscriptionType": "automatic",
  "connectionString": "",
  "sqlSchemaName": "public",
  "policy": "None",
  "policyHandlerType": "None",
  "native": null,
  "workspace": null
  "name": "Public Aaa Tpc",
  "id": 39,
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "deleted": false,
  "description": null,
  "createdAt": "2023-08-21T10:39:00.250Z",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
      "type": "subscription",
      "exceptions": {
          "operator": "and",
          "conditions": [
                  "type": "groups",
                  "group": {
                      "name": "alpha"
      "allowDiscovery": true,
      "automaticSubscription": true
  "schemaEvolutionId": 1,
  "recordCount": 0,
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "subscriptionType": "policy",
  "sqlSchemaName": "public",
  "status": "passed",
  "subscriptionStatus": "owner",
  "connectionString": "",
  "remoteTable": "tpc",
  "remoteSchema": "public",
  "domainId": null,
  "domainName": null,
  "policy": "None",
  "policyHandlerType": "None",
  "native": null,
  "workspace": null

Get a data source by ID


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId} Get a data source based on the ID.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID . Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
name string The data source name.
recordFormat string The data format of blobs in the data source, such as json, xml, html, or jpeg.
description string The description of the data source.
policyHandler array The ID of the policy handler and details about the data policies enforced on the data source.
sqlSchemaName string A string that represents this data source's schema name in the Query Engine.
sqlTableName string The SQL table name in the Query Engine.
blobHandler array[object] A list of full URLs providing the locations of all blob store handlers to use with this data source.
blobHandlerType string Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., MS SQL).
createdBy integer The ID of the profile creating the data source.
deleted boolean If true, the data source was deleted.
type string The data source type, such as queryable or ingested.
rowCount integer The number of rows.
documentation string Documentation associated with the data source.
id integer The data source ID.
policyHandlerType string The type of policy handler applied to the data source: Builder.
subscriptionType string The type of subscription policy on the data source. The type can be automatic (which allows anyone to subscribe), approval (which requires the subscriber to be manually approved), policy (which only allows users with specific groups or attributes to subscribe), or manual (which requires users to be manually added).
subscriptionPolicy array Details about the Subscription Policy applied to the data source.
globalPolicies string Details about the Global Policies applied to the data source.
status string The data source health status.

Request example

The following request gets a data source based on the ID 22.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "name": "Public Barfoo",
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "description": null,
  "policyHandler": null,
  "sqlSchemaName": "public",
  "sqlTableName": "barfoo",
  "blobHandler": {
      "url": "https://your-url/snowflake/handler/22",
      "ca": {
          "name": "Certificate Authority Bundle"
      "manualDictionary": false
  "createdBy": 2,
  "deleted": false,
  "type": "queryable",
  "recordCount": 0,
  "rowCount": 6,
  "documentation": "# Public Barfoo",
  "statsExpiration": "2021-08-27T16:34:47.846Z",
  "id": 22,
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "policyHandlerType": "None",
  "subscriptionType": "automatic",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
  "type": "subscription",
      "automaticSubscription": true
  "globalPolicies": null,
  "status": "passed",
  "statusInfo": {
  "sql": {
      "status": "passed",
      "message": "Passed"

Get data source by name


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/name/{dataSourceName} Get a data source based on the name.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceName string The data source name. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
name string The data source name.
recordFormat string The data format of blobs in the data source, such as json, xml, html, or jpeg.
description string The description of the data source.
policyHandler array The ID of the policy handler and details about the data policies enforced on the data source.
sqlSchemaName string A string that represents this data source's schema name in the Query Engine.
sqlTableName string The SQL table name in the Query Engine.
blobHandler array[object] A list of full URLs providing the locations of all blob store handlers to use with this data source.
blobHandlerType string Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., MS SQL).
createdBy integer The ID of the profile creating the data source.
deleted boolean If true, the data source was deleted.
type string The data source type, such as queryable or ingested.
rowCount integer The number of rows.
documentation string Documentation associated with the data source.
id integer The data source ID.
policyHandlerType string The type of policy handler applied to the data source: Builder.
subscriptionType string The type of subscription policy on the data source. The type can be automatic (which allows anyone to subscribe), approval (which requires the subscriber to be manually approved), policy (which only allows users with specific groups or attributes to subscribe), or manual (which requires users to be manually added).
subscriptionPolicy array Details about the Subscription Policy applied to the data source.
globalPolicies string Details about the Global Policies applied to the data source.
status string The data source health status.

Request example

The following request gets a data source based on the name Public Barfoo.

curl \
   --request GET \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "name": "Public Barfoo",
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "description": null,
  "policyHandler": null,
  "sqlSchemaName": "public",
  "sqlTableName": "barfoo",
  "blobHandler": {
      "url": "https://your-url/snowflake/handler/22",
      "ca": {
          "name": "Certificate Authority Bundle"
      "manualDictionary": false
  "createdBy": 2,
  "deleted": false,
  "type": "queryable",
  "recordCount": 0,
  "rowCount": 6,
  "documentation": "# Public Barfoo",
  "statsExpiration": "2021-08-27T16:34:47.846Z",
  "id": 22,
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "policyHandlerType": "None",
  "subscriptionType": "automatic",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
      "type": "subscription",
      "automaticSubscription": true
  "globalPolicies": null,
  "status": "passed",
  "statusInfo": {
      "sql": {
      "status": "passed",
      "message": "Passed"

Get a data source by the short name


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/sqlTableName/{shortName} Get a data source based on the SQL table name.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
shortName string The data source SQL table name. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
name string The data source name.
recordFormat string The data format of blobs in the data source, such as json, xml, html, or jpeg.
description string The description of the data source.
policyHandler array The ID of the policy handler and details about the data policies enforced on the data source.
sqlSchemaName string A string that represents this data source's schema name in the Query Engine.
sqlTableName string The SQL table name in the Query Engine.
blobHandler array[object] A list of full URLs providing the locations of all blob store handlers to use with this data source.
blobHandlerType string Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., MS SQL).
createdBy integer The ID of the profile creating the data source.
deleted boolean If true, the data source was deleted.
type string The data source type, such as queryable or ingested.
rowCount integer The number of rows.
documentation string Documentation associated with the data source.
id integer The data source ID.
policyHandlerType string The type of policy handler applied to the data source: Builder.
subscriptionType string The type of subscription policy on the data source. The type can be automatic (which allows anyone to subscribe), approval (which requires the subscriber to be manually approved), policy (which only allows users with specific groups or attributes to subscribe), or manual (which requires users to be manually added).
subscriptionPolicy array Details about the Subscription Policy applied to the data source.
globalPolicies string Details about the Global Policies applied to the data source.
status string The data source health status.

Request example

The following request gets a data source based on the SQL table name customer_data.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "name": "Dbo Customer Data",
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "description": null,
  "policyHandler": {
    "visibilitySchema": {
      "fields": [],
      "version": "2021-10-06T19:39:39.145Z"
    "handlerId": 55,
    "dataSourceId": 26
  "sqlSchemaName": "dbo",
  "sqlTableName": "customer_data",
  "blobHandler": {
    "url": "",
    "ca": {
      "name": "Certificate Authority Bundle"
    "manualDictionary": false
  "createdBy": 2,
  "deleted": false,
  "type": "queryable",
  "recordCount": 0,
  "rowCount": 1000,
  "documentation": "# Dbo Customer Data",
  "statsExpiration": "2021-11-05T19:37:43.270Z",
  "id": 26,
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "policyHandlerType": "Builder",
  "subscriptionType": "automatic",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
    "type": "subscription",
    "automaticSubscription": false
  "globalPolicies": null,
  "status": "passed",
  "statusInfo": {
    "sql": {
      "status": "passed",
      "message": "Passed"
    "stats": {
      "status": "passed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-10-06T19:37:43.337Z"
    "lastAttempt": {
      "date": "2021-10-06T19:39:39.821Z"
    "highCardinality": {
      "status": "passed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-10-06T19:37:43.337Z"
  "expiration": null,
  "catalogMetadata": null,
  "workspace": null,
  "seeded": false,
  "schemaEvolutionId": 4,
  "columnEvolutionEnabled": true,
  "createdAt": "2021-10-01T14:23:27.225Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-06T19:39:39.145Z",
  "subscribedAsUser": true,
  "subscriptionId": 45,
  "acknowledgeRequired": false,
  "subscriptionStatus": "owner",
  "requestedState": "owner",
  "approved": true,
  "subscriptionExpiration": null,
  "filterId": null

Get data source relationships


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/lineage/{type} Get parent and child relationship records for derived data sources using a specified data source ID.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
type string The type of lineage records to return. Options include: parents, children, and all. Yes
dataSourceId integer The target data source ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
children array Details of the child data source, including dataSourceId, dataSourceName, projectId, policyHandlerDiff, deleted, createdBy, and createdAt.
parents array Details of the parent data source, including dataSourceId, dataSourceName, projectId, policyHandlerDiff, deleted, createdBy, and createdAt.

Request example

The following request gets the parent relationship records for the derived data source with the data source ID 4.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "parents": [{
    "dataSourceId": 3,
    "dataSourceName": "Public Healthcare Data",
    "deleted": false,
    "createdAt": "2022-08-17T13:41:38.381Z",
    "projectId": 2,
    "projectName": "Derived Data Source",
    "createdBy": "Your Username",
    "policyHandlerDiff": {
      "dsType": "queryable",
      "currentHandlerId": null,
      "previousHandlerId": null

Search for queries by data source ID

Deprecation notice

Support for this endpoint has been deprecated. This endpoint will be removed in 2023.2.


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries Search for queries associated with the provided data source ID.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
mine boolean When true, only returns queries made by the requesting user. No
offset integer Used in combination with size to fetch specific pages. No
size integer Page results by default; the number of results to return per page. No
sortFiled string Sorts results by field, which must be subscribers, freshness, name, category, organization, blobHandlerType subscriptionStatus, recordCount, or status. No
sortOrder string Sorts results by order, which must be asc or desc. Default desc. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
hits array Metadata regarding the query.
count integer The number of queries associated with the provided data source.

Request example

The following request searches for queries associated with the provided data source ID.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "hits": [
      "author": {
        "name": "Katie",
        "email": "",
        "preferences": {
          "sortProjectState": {
            "column": "name",
            "order": "asc",
            "size": 12
          "tabDataSourceState": 0,
          "tabProjectState": 1
        "externalUserIds": {},
        "systemGenerated": false,
        "id": 2,
        "createdAt": "2021-09-09T13:54:44.784Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-10-07T14:21:29.015Z"
      "statement": "Select * from \"default\".\"customer\" limit 10",
      "hash": "ad803d711b0fa8c395e16cabe42f55d6",
      "name": "Sample Query",
      "dataSource": 50,
      "public": true,
      "id": 2,
      "lastrun": "2021-10-07T15:40:26.520Z",
      "timesrun": "1",
      "expiration": "2021-10-07T15:40:58.514Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-10-07T15:40:58.520Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-10-07T15:40:58.520Z"
  "count": 1

Retrieve a blob


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/blob/{blobid*} Retrieve a blob.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
blobId string The blob ID. Yes

Response Parameters

The response will download the blobs in a file you specify.

Request example

The following request retrieves a blob.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --output ./the-blobs-will-be-saved-here

Response example

% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  215k  100  215k    0     0   541k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  541k

Get a comment by ID


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{commentId} Get a comment by ID for the data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
commentId integer The comment ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
author integer The user ID of the user who posted the comment.
parentId integer The parent comment ID.
resolved boolean If true, the comment has been resolved.
body string The text of the comment.
id integer The comment ID.
createdAt timestamp When the comment was created.
updatedAt timestamp When the comment was last updated.

Request example

The following request gets a comment by ID for the data source.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "author": 1,
  "parentId": null,
  "resolved": false,
  "body": "Should this data source be part of the Medical Claims project?",
  "id": 2,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-02T14:14:31.228Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-02T14:14:31.228Z"

Get All Comments for a Data Source


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments Get all the comments for the data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
author array The id, name, and email of the author.
resolved boolean If true, the comment has been resolved.
id integer The comment ID.
createdAt timestamp The date and time the comment was created.
updatedAt timestamp The date and time the comment was updated.
models array The modelType (such as datasource), modelId, and modelName.
totalreplies integer The number of replies to the comment.
lastreply timestamp The date and time of the last reply.
public boolean If true, the comment is public.

Request example

The following request adds a comment to the data source.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

        "author": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "email": ""
        "body": "Actually, Billing does not need access, but Customer Service does.",
        "resolved": false,
        "id": 8,
        "createdAt": "2021-10-21T17:03:31.174Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-10-21T17:03:31.174Z",
        "models": [{
            "modelType": "datasource",
            "modelId": "22",
            "modelName": "Fake Medical Claims 2017"
        "totalreplies": 0,
        "lastreply": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "public": true
        "author": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "email": ""
        "body": "This data source should be accessible to the Docs team and Billing.",
        "resolved": false,
        "id": 7,
        "createdAt": "2021-10-21T17:02:41.390Z",
        "updatedAt": "2021-10-21T17:02:41.390Z",
        "models": [{
            "modelType": "datasource",
            "modelId": "22",
            "modelName": "Fake Medical Claims 2017"
        "totalreplies": 0,
        "lastreply": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "public": true

Count the comments for a data source


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/count Count the comments for a data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
columns boolean When true, retrieves comments for columns. No
queries array[string] The queries for which to retrieve comments. No
resolved boolean If true, will retrieve only resolved comments. If false, will retrieve only unresolved comments. If not set, will retrieve all comments. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
modelId integer The model ID.
modelType string The model type.
count integer The number of comments on the data source.

Request example

The following request counts the comments for data source 1.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

    "modelId": "1",
    "modelType": "datasource",
    "count": 2

Get users by access level


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access Get all users with the provided access level for this data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
states Array[string] The status levels to include when querying for user access. No
approved boolean Denotes whether the returned access objects should be approved. No
searchText string A string used to filter returned users. The query is executed with a wildcard prefix and suffix. No
size integer The number of results to return. No
offset integer The number of results to skip (for paging). No
sortField string The field on which to sort the result set. No
sortOrder string The order in which to sort the results. No
expandGroups boolean If true will return individual members of any group subscribed. No
ignoreSystemGenerated boolean If true, will not return system generated accounts. No
filterBySchemaEvolution boolean If true, will only return users who have the specified level of access across ALL data sources within the same schema evolution group as this one. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
count integer The number of users with access to the data source.
users string The metadata regarding the users with access to the data source.

Request example

The following request gets all users with the provided access level for this data source.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "count": 2,
  "users": [
      "profile": 2,
      "name": "First Last",
      "iamid": "bim",
      "userid": "",
      "email": "",
      "type": "user",
      "admin": "First Last",
      "approved": true,
      "state": "owner",
      "systemGenerated": false,
      "lastExternalRefresh": "2021-10-06T14:58:46.983Z",
      "subscriptionId": 586,
      "createdAt": "2021-10-05T14:33:01.518Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-10-05T14:33:01.518Z",
      "approvals": [
          "requiredPermission": "OWNER",
          "state": "approved",
          "approverId": null,
          "ownerModelId": null,
          "approver": "First Last",
          "ownerModelName": null
      "currentUserCanApprove": false
      "profile": 3,
      "name": "Tommy Test",
      "iamid": "bim",
      "userid": "",
      "email": "",
      "type": "user",
      "admin": "First Last",
      "approved": true,
      "state": "subscribed",
      "systemGenerated": false,
      "lastExternalRefresh": "2021-09-07T16:16:29.957Z",
      "subscriptionId": 649,
      "createdAt": "2021-10-06T14:58:31.366Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-10-06T14:58:31.366Z",
      "approvals": [
          "requiredPermission": "OWNER",
          "state": "approved",
          "approverId": null,
          "ownerModelId": null,
          "approver": "First Last",
          "ownerModelName": null
      "currentUserCanApprove": false

Get user access info for a data source


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/users/{profileId}/policyInfo Retrieves the visibilities, masking information, and filters that the passed in user has access to in the specified data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
profileId integer The profile ID of the user. Yes
projectId integer The project ID. If provided, this project will be used when evaluating the user's visibilities. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
visibilities array Details of the user's visibilities, including anyKey.
visibilityRuleApplies boolean If true, a visibility rule exists and the user is not excepted from it.
masked array Masking information for the data source, including metadata, name, type, and actionType.
additionalFilters array Policy information for the data source, including customWhere, differentialPrivacy, eventTimeColumn, minimization, time, filterSeconds, and isOlderOrNewer.

Request example

The following request gets the visibility information for the user with the profile ID 2 on the data source with the data source ID 16.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "visibilities": [],
  "visibilityRuleApplies": false,
  "masked": [
      "type": "Consistent Value",
      "metadata": {
        "constant": null
      "name": "WS_SOLD_DATE_SK",
      "actionType": "Nullify"
      "type": "Consistent Value",
      "metadata": {
        "constant": null
      "name": "WS_BILL_CUSTOMER_SK",
      "actionType": "Nullify"
  "additionalFilters": {}

Get user visibility info for a data source


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/users/{profileId}/visibilityReport Retrieves a summary of total records, total visibilities (the unique values contained in a column protected by a row-level security policy that allow Immuta to determine whether or not a user can see a given row if they possess an attribute that matches the visibility of that row), and visibilities a given user has access to.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
profileId integer The profile ID of the user. Yes
informationOnly boolean If true, the query will just return information for the UI and will skip running some queries for ephemeral data sources. No
includeNestedColumns boolean If true, the query will return just information for the dictionary page, including the masking policies for nested columns. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
noVisibilities boolean If true, the data source has no row-level security or purpose-based restriction policies applied to it.
dataSourceVisibilitiesCount integer The total number of possible visibilities the given data source has.
userVisibilitiesCount integer The number of visibilities the current user can see for the given data source.
masked array Masking information for the data source, including metadata, name, type, and actionType.
dataSource integer The data source ID.
dataSourceName string The data source name.
additionalFilters array Policy information for the data source, including customWhere, differentialPrivacy, eventTimeColumn, minimization, time, filterSeconds, and isOlderOrNewer.
allowMaskedJoins boolean If true the data source allows masked joins.
policySet array Details about the policies on the data source.

Request example

The following request gets all of the visibility information for the user with the profile ID 2 on the data source with the data source ID 16.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

    "noVisibilities": true,
    "dataSourceVisibilitiesCount": 0,
    "userVisibilitiesCount": 0,
    "masked": [
        "type": "Consistent Value",
        "metadata": {
          "constant": null
        "name": "WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
        "type": "Consistent Value",
        "metadata": {
          "constant": null
        "name": "WS_BILL_CUSTOMER_SK"
    "dataSource": 16,
    "dataSourceName": "Web Sales",
    "additionalFilters": {},
    "allowMaskedJoins": false,
    "policySet": "[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"rules\":[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"config\":{\"fields\":[\"WS_BILL_CUSTOMER_SK\"],\"maskingConfig\":{\"type\":\"Consistent Value\",\"metadata\":{\"constant\":null}}},\"exceptions\":null,\"ruleAppliedForUser\":true}],\"global\":{\"id\":9,\"tag\":\"Confidential\",\"live\":true,\"name\":\"Data Policy\",\"reason\":null,\"staged\":false,\"deleted\":false,\"conflict\":null,\"disabled\":false,\"metadata\":null,\"template\":false,\"createdAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"createdBy\":\"jane\",\"policyKey\":\"Data Policy\",\"updatedAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"clonedFrom\":null,\"certification\":null,\"createdByName\":\"jane\",\"changedOnApply\":[\"dataTypeMismatch\"],\"parentPolicyId\":null,\"systemGenerated\":false,\"originalPolicyId\":\"masking(^_^)data policy(^_^)ws_bill_customer_sk(^_^)consistent value(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)\",\"ownerRestrictions\":null},\"description\":null,\"policyHash\":\"3a2faac13e332cca1829ed773afa298a5455ac5bb54e68c53ae00991575d2a4b\"},{\"type\":\"masking\",\"rules\":[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"config\":{\"fields\":[\"WS_SOLD_DATE_SK\"],\"maskingConfig\":{\"type\":\"Consistent Value\",\"metadata\":{\"constant\":null}}},\"exceptions\":null,\"ruleAppliedForUser\":true}],\"global\":{\"id\":9,\"tag\":\"Confidential\",\"live\":true,\"name\":\"Data Policy\",\"reason\":null,\"staged\":false,\"deleted\":false,\"conflict\":null,\"disabled\":false,\"metadata\":null,\"template\":false,\"createdAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"createdBy\":\"jane\",\"policyKey\":\"Data Policy\",\"updatedAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"clonedFrom\":null,\"certification\":null,\"createdByName\":\"jane\",\"changedOnApply\":[\"dataTypeMismatch\"],\"parentPolicyId\":null,\"systemGenerated\":false,\"originalPolicyId\":\"masking(^_^)data policy(^_^)ws_sold_date_sk(^_^)consistent value(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)\",\"ownerRestrictions\":null},\"description\":null,\"policyHash\":\"2877a1ace4cfa6427370fd39b254ce0ea75dc22cb024a2f857e033c82a987f9a\"}]"

Get current user visibility info


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/visibilityReport Retrieves a summary of total records, total visibilities (the unique values contained in a column protected by a row-level security policy that allow Immuta to determine whether or not a user can see a given row if they possess an attribute that matches the visibility of that row), and visibilities the current user has access to for a specified data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
noVisibilities boolean If true, the data source has no row-level security or purpose-based restriction policies applied to it.
dataSourceVisibilitiesCount integer The total number of possible visibilities the given data source has.
userVisibilitiesCount integer The number of visibilities the current user can see for the given data source.
denialReason string Reason the user was denied visibility.
masked array Masking information for the data source, including metadata, name, type, and actionType.
dataSource integer The data source ID.
dataSourceName string The data source name.
additionalFilters array Policy information for the data source, including customWhere, differentialPrivacy, eventTimeColumn, minimization, time, filterSeconds, and isOlderOrNewer.
allowMaskedJoins boolean If true the data source allows masked joins.
policySet array Details about the policies on the data source.

Request example

The following request gets all of the visibility information for the current user on the data source with the data source ID 16.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "noVisibilities": true,
  "dataSourceVisibilitiesCount": 0,
  "userVisibilitiesCount": 0,
  "masked": [
      "type": "Consistent Value",
      "metadata": {
        "constant": null
      "name": "WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
      "type": "Consistent Value",
      "metadata": {
        "constant": null
      "name": "WS_BILL_CUSTOMER_SK"
  "dataSource": 16,
  "dataSourceName": "Web Sales",
  "additionalFilters": {},
  "allowMaskedJoins": false,
  "policySet": "[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"rules\":[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"config\":{\"fields\":[\"WS_BILL_CUSTOMER_SK\"],\"maskingConfig\":{\"type\":\"Consistent Value\",\"metadata\":{\"constant\":null}}},\"exceptions\":null,\"ruleAppliedForUser\":true}],\"global\":{\"id\":9,\"tag\":\"Confidential\",\"live\":true,\"name\":\"Data Policy\",\"reason\":null,\"staged\":false,\"deleted\":false,\"conflict\":null,\"disabled\":false,\"metadata\":null,\"template\":false,\"createdAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"createdBy\":\"jane\",\"policyKey\":\"Data Policy\",\"updatedAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"clonedFrom\":null,\"certification\":null,\"createdByName\":\"jane\",\"changedOnApply\":[\"dataTypeMismatch\"],\"parentPolicyId\":null,\"systemGenerated\":false,\"originalPolicyId\":\"masking(^_^)data policy(^_^)ws_bill_customer_sk(^_^)consistent value(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)\",\"ownerRestrictions\":null},\"description\":null,\"policyHash\":\"3a2faac13e332cca1829ed773afa298a5455ac5bb54e68c53ae00991575d2a4b\"},{\"type\":\"masking\",\"rules\":[{\"type\":\"masking\",\"config\":{\"fields\":[\"WS_SOLD_DATE_SK\"],\"maskingConfig\":{\"type\":\"Consistent Value\",\"metadata\":{\"constant\":null}}},\"exceptions\":null,\"ruleAppliedForUser\":true}],\"global\":{\"id\":9,\"tag\":\"Confidential\",\"live\":true,\"name\":\"Data Policy\",\"reason\":null,\"staged\":false,\"deleted\":false,\"conflict\":null,\"disabled\":false,\"metadata\":null,\"template\":false,\"createdAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"createdBy\":\"jane\",\"policyKey\":\"Data Policy\",\"updatedAt\":\"2022-08-09T17:23:02.634Z\",\"clonedFrom\":null,\"certification\":null,\"createdByName\":\"jane\",\"changedOnApply\":[\"dataTypeMismatch\"],\"parentPolicyId\":null,\"systemGenerated\":false,\"originalPolicyId\":\"masking(^_^)data policy(^_^)ws_sold_date_sk(^_^)consistent value(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)\",\"ownerRestrictions\":null},\"description\":null,\"policyHash\":\"2877a1ace4cfa6427370fd39b254ce0ea75dc22cb024a2f857e033c82a987f9a\"}]"

Access data sources and make data source requests

Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/subscribe Subscribe to a data source.
POST /dataSource/featureStore Create a SQL account to access data sources through your analytic tool.
PUT /dataSource/featureStore/password Modify SQL account password.
POST /dataSource/featureStore/temporary Create a temporary SQL account.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/reverseMask Make a request for values to be unmasked.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries/{queryId}/data Retrieve sample data using the SQL statement from the provided saved query.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries/debug Make a request for an owner of the data source to debug a query.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments Add a comment to a data source.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{parentId}/reply Reply to a data source comment.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{commentId}/resolve Resolve a comment for a data source.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access Add a user to a specific data source.

Subscribe to a data source


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/subscribe Subscribe to a data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer Data source ID number. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceIds array The ID of the data source the user is subscribing to. No
approvals array Includes details about the Subscription policy on the data source: requiredPermissions, specificApproverRequired, specificApprover, and ownerModelId. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
body array Contains details about the data source, including the data source ID, subscription status of the user, the profile ID of the user, and the dates the data source was created and updated.

Request example

The following request subscribes to the data source with ID 22.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "dataSourceIds": [
  "metadata": {},
  "approvals": [
      "requiredPermission": "Owner",
      "specificApproverRequired": false,
      "specificApprover": 2,
      "ownerModelId": 23
  "groupId": 12

Response example

  "inError": [],
  "success": [{
    "id": 64,
    "modelId": "22",
    "modelType": "datasource",
    "state": "subscribed",
    "metadata": {},
    "admin": null,
    "denialReasoning": null,
    "profile": 2,
    "group": null,
    "expiration": null,
    "acknowledgeRequired": false,
    "createdAt": "2021-08-26T16:36:09.587Z",
    "updatedAt": "2021-08-26T16:36:09.587Z",
    "approved": true

Create a SQL account


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/featureStore Create a SQL account.

Query Parameters


Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
username string The SQL account username. Yes
password string The SQL account password. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
status boolean If true, the SQL account was created.

Request example

The following request creates a SQL account.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Request payload example
    "username": "",
    "password": "your-new-sql-password"

Response example

  "success": true

Modify a SQL account password


Method Path Purpose
PUT /dataSource/featureStore/password Modify SQL account password for the requesting user.

Query Parameters


Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
password string The new SQL account password. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
success boolean If true, the password was successfully changed.
sqlUser integer SQL user ID.

Request example

The following request modifies a SQL account password.

curl \
    --request PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "password": "testpassword"

Response example

  "success": true,
  "sqlUser": ""

Create a temporary SQL account


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/featureStore/temporary Create a temporary SQL account.

Query Parameters


Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
projectId string The ID of the project to be applied. No
accountPrefix string The prefix to use for the SQL username. No
expiresIn integer The number of minutes the account should be valid. No
forceDirectAudit boolean If true, will force direct audit of queries run by this account. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
success boolean If true, a temporary SQL account was created.
sqlUser string The SQL username.
sqlPassword string The SQL password.
port integer The port number.
database string The database name.
host string The hostname.
sslMode string Indicates whether or not SSL is required.
connectionString string The connection string.

Request example

The following request creates a temporary SQL account.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "projectId": 1,
  "accountPrefix": "temp",
  "expiresIn": 60,
  "forceDirectAudit": false

Response example

  "success": true,
  "sqlUser": "temp1635366310923d8b65qm6279",
  "sqlPassword": "************",
  "port": 5432,
  "database": "test",
  "host": "",
  "sslMode": "require",
  "connectionString": "postgresql://temp1635366310923d8b65qm6279:************"

Request to unmask values


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/reverseMask Makes a request for values to be unmasked.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
column string The column to unmask. Yes
unmaskingReason string The reason the values need to be unmasked. Yes
unmaskingUsers array[integer] The profile ID of the users who can unmask the values for the requestor. Yes
projectId integer The ID of the associated project. No
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer The ID of the request.
requestingUserProfile integer The requesting user profile ID.
dataSourceId integer The data source ID.
reason string The reason for the unmasking request.
metadata string Metadata regarding the masking, such as the column, values, and maskingConfig.
type string The type of request.
state string The state of the task, such as pending.
createdAt timestamp The date and time the task was created.
updatedAt timestamp The date and time the task was updated.

Request example

The following requests for values to be unmasked.

curl \
   --request POST \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
   --data @example-payload.json \
Request payload example
  "column": "cc_county",
  "values": ["WlRObU9ERTVNVE0yTVdabU9XVXdPQT09OktYN2lkNEZqZjlaWUluck8xTnVHOGlSN25wWmdudVZjbnZES1ArUkxhMGc9"],
  "unmaskReasoning": "Marketing project",
  "unmaskingUsers": [1]

Response example

  "id": 1,
  "requestingUserProfile": 13,
  "dataSourceId": 12,
  "reason": "Marketing Campaign",
  "metadata": {
    "salt": "**********87",
    "column": "cc_county",
    "values": ["WlRObU9ERTVNVE0yTVdabU9XVXdPQT09OktYN2lkNEZqZjlaWUluck8xTnVHOGlSN25wWmdudVZjbnZES1ArUkxhMGc9"],
    "maskingConfig": {
      "type": "Reversible",
      "metadata": {}
  "type": "unmask",
  "state": "pending",
  "createdAt": "2021-10-27T20:35:48.253Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-27T20:35:48.253Z"

Retrieve previously saved sample data

Deprecation notice

Support for this endpoint has been deprecated. This endpoint will be removed in 2023.2.


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries/{queryId}/data Retrieve sample data using the SQL statement from the provided saved query.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
queryId integer The ID for the saved query. Yes

Response Parameters

The response will be the results of the requested query.

Request example

The following requests the query with the ID 4 that was made against the data source with the ID 16.

curl \
   --request POST \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

    "ws_sold_date_sk": "2451812",
    "ws_sold_time_sk": "77739",
    "ws_ship_date_sk": "2451915",
    "ws_item_sk": "13939",
    "ws_bill_customer_sk": "76831",
    "ws_bill_cdemo_sk": "365116",
    "ws_bill_hdemo_sk": "6648",
    "ws_bill_addr_sk": "36533",
    "ws_ship_customer_sk": "93778",
    "ws_ship_cdemo_sk": "863655",
    "ws_ship_hdemo_sk": "2282",
    "ws_ship_addr_sk": "38567",
    "ws_web_page_sk": "53",
    "ws_web_site_sk": "11",
    "ws_ship_mode_sk": "5",
    "ws_warehouse_sk": "1",
    "ws_promo_sk": "160",
    "ws_order_number": "42373",
    "ws_quantity": "55",
    "ws_wholesale_cost": "19.35",
    "ws_list_price": "40.63",
    "ws_sales_price": "4.46",
    "ws_ext_discount_amt": "1989.35",
    "ws_ext_sales_price": "245.30",
    "ws_ext_wholesale_cost": "1064.25",
    "ws_ext_list_price": "2234.65",
    "ws_ext_tax": "2.45",
    "ws_coupon_amt": "0.00",
    "ws_ext_ship_cost": "1094.50",
    "ws_net_paid": "245.30",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_tax": "247.75",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship": "1339.80",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax": "1342.25",
    "ws_net_profit": "-818.95"
    "ws_sold_date_sk": "2451812",
    "ws_sold_time_sk": "77739",
    "ws_ship_date_sk": "2451911",
    "ws_item_sk": "13022",
    "ws_bill_customer_sk": "76831",
    "ws_bill_cdemo_sk": "365116",
    "ws_bill_hdemo_sk": "6648",
    "ws_bill_addr_sk": "36533",
    "ws_ship_customer_sk": "93778",
    "ws_ship_cdemo_sk": "863655",
    "ws_ship_hdemo_sk": "2282",
    "ws_ship_addr_sk": "38567",
    "ws_web_page_sk": "44",
    "ws_web_site_sk": "26",
    "ws_ship_mode_sk": "5",
    "ws_warehouse_sk": "1",
    "ws_promo_sk": "264",
    "ws_order_number": "42373",
    "ws_quantity": "31",
    "ws_wholesale_cost": "68.49",
    "ws_list_price": "152.73",
    "ws_sales_price": "146.62",
    "ws_ext_discount_amt": "189.41",
    "ws_ext_sales_price": "4545.22",
    "ws_ext_wholesale_cost": "2123.19",
    "ws_ext_list_price": "4734.63",
    "ws_ext_tax": "136.35",
    "ws_coupon_amt": "0.00",
    "ws_ext_ship_cost": "662.78",
    "ws_net_paid": "4545.22",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_tax": "4681.57",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship": "5208.00",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax": "5344.35",
    "ws_net_profit": "2422.03"
    "ws_sold_date_sk": "2451812",
    "ws_sold_time_sk": "77739",
    "ws_ship_date_sk": "2451881",
    "ws_item_sk": "6931",
    "ws_bill_customer_sk": "76831",
    "ws_bill_cdemo_sk": "365116",
    "ws_bill_hdemo_sk": "6648",
    "ws_bill_addr_sk": "36533",
    "ws_ship_customer_sk": "93778",
    "ws_ship_cdemo_sk": "863655",
    "ws_ship_hdemo_sk": "2282",
    "ws_ship_addr_sk": "38567",
    "ws_web_page_sk": "50",
    "ws_web_site_sk": "29",
    "ws_ship_mode_sk": "4",
    "ws_warehouse_sk": "3",
    "ws_promo_sk": "282",
    "ws_order_number": "42373",
    "ws_quantity": "19",
    "ws_wholesale_cost": "47.01",
    "ws_list_price": "88.84",
    "ws_sales_price": "45.30",
    "ws_ext_discount_amt": "827.26",
    "ws_ext_sales_price": "860.70",
    "ws_ext_wholesale_cost": "893.19",
    "ws_ext_list_price": "1687.96",
    "ws_ext_tax": "0.00",
    "ws_coupon_amt": "0.00",
    "ws_ext_ship_cost": "67.45",
    "ws_net_paid": "860.70",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_tax": "860.70",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship": "928.15",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax": "928.15",
    "ws_net_profit": "-32.49"
    "ws_sold_date_sk": "2451812",
    "ws_sold_time_sk": "77739",
    "ws_ship_date_sk": "2451833",
    "ws_item_sk": "13627",
    "ws_bill_customer_sk": "76831",
    "ws_bill_cdemo_sk": "365116",
    "ws_bill_hdemo_sk": "6648",
    "ws_bill_addr_sk": "36533",
    "ws_ship_customer_sk": "93778",
    "ws_ship_cdemo_sk": "863655",
    "ws_ship_hdemo_sk": "2282",
    "ws_ship_addr_sk": "38567",
    "ws_web_page_sk": "49",
    "ws_web_site_sk": "11",
    "ws_ship_mode_sk": "7",
    "ws_warehouse_sk": "3",
    "ws_promo_sk": "226",
    "ws_order_number": "42373",
    "ws_quantity": "27",
    "ws_wholesale_cost": "76.10",
    "ws_list_price": "196.33",
    "ws_sales_price": "23.55",
    "ws_ext_discount_amt": "4665.06",
    "ws_ext_sales_price": "635.85",
    "ws_ext_wholesale_cost": "2054.70",
    "ws_ext_list_price": "5300.91",
    "ws_ext_tax": "57.22",
    "ws_coupon_amt": "0.00",
    "ws_ext_ship_cost": "2332.26",
    "ws_net_paid": "635.85",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_tax": "693.07",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship": "2968.11",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax": "3025.33",
    "ws_net_profit": "-1418.85"
    "ws_sold_date_sk": "2451812",
    "ws_sold_time_sk": "77739",
    "ws_ship_date_sk": "2451817",
    "ws_item_sk": "16787",
    "ws_bill_customer_sk": "76831",
    "ws_bill_cdemo_sk": "365116",
    "ws_bill_hdemo_sk": "6648",
    "ws_bill_addr_sk": "36533",
    "ws_ship_customer_sk": "93778",
    "ws_ship_cdemo_sk": "863655",
    "ws_ship_hdemo_sk": "2282",
    "ws_ship_addr_sk": "38567",
    "ws_web_page_sk": "59",
    "ws_web_site_sk": "26",
    "ws_ship_mode_sk": "15",
    "ws_warehouse_sk": "4",
    "ws_promo_sk": "280",
    "ws_order_number": "42373",
    "ws_quantity": "32",
    "ws_wholesale_cost": "75.69",
    "ws_list_price": "136.24",
    "ws_sales_price": "91.28",
    "ws_ext_discount_amt": "1438.72",
    "ws_ext_sales_price": "2920.96",
    "ws_ext_wholesale_cost": "2422.08",
    "ws_ext_list_price": "4359.68",
    "ws_ext_tax": "233.67",
    "ws_coupon_amt": "0.00",
    "ws_ext_ship_cost": "1176.96",
    "ws_net_paid": "2920.96",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_tax": "3154.63",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship": "4097.92",
    "ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax": "4331.59",
    "ws_net_profit": "498.88"

Request debug info sent to owner

Deprecation notice

Support for this endpoint has been deprecated. This endpoint will be removed in 2023.2.


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries/debug Makes a request for an owner of the data source to receive debug info about the query.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer Target data source ID. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
auditRecordId string The ID of the audit record. Yes
targetUsers array[integer] The profile ID of the user receiving the debug request. Yes
debugReasoning string The reason for debugging the query. Yes
projectId integer The ID of the associated project. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer
requestingUserProfile integer The profile ID for the requesting user.
dataSourceId integer The data source ID.
reason string The reason for receiving the debug info.
type string The type of task, such as queryDebug.
state string The status of the task, such as pending.
createdAt timestamp The date and time the task was created.
updatedAt timestamp The date and time the task was updated.

Request example

The following example sends a debug query request.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Request payload example
  "auditrecordId": "test audit record Id",
  "targetUsers": [
  "debugReasoning": "test debug necessary",
  "projectId": 7

Response example

  "id": 8,
  "requestingUserProfile": 2,
  "dataSourceId": 47,
  "reason": "I need help with this query.",
  "type": "queryDebug",
  "state": "pending",
  "createdAt": "2021-10-12T19:28:04.999Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-12T19:28:04.999Z"

Add a comment to a data source


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments Add a comment to a data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The ID of the data source to add the comment to. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
body string The text of the comment. Yes
affectedColumn string The column to apply the comment to. No
associatedQuery integer The ID of the query to apply the comment to. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer The comment ID.

Request example

This request adds a comment (saved in example-payload.json) to the data source with the ID 48.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "body": "Should this data source be added to the HR project?"

Response example

  "id": 8

Reply to a data source comment


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{parentId}/reply Reply to a data source comment.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
parentId integer The parent comment ID. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
body string The reply to the comment. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer The comment response ID.

Request example

The following request replies to a data source comment.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json
Payload example
  "body": "Yes, I think this data source should be part of that project."

Response Example

  "id": 5

Resolve a data source comment


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/comments/{commentId}/resolve Resolve a comment for a data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer Data source ID Yes
commentId integer The comment ID Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
success boolean if true the comment for the data source is resolved.

Request example

The following request resolves a comment for a data source.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "success": true

Add a user to a data source


Method Path Purpose
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access Add a user to a specific data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
state string The status of the user: subscribed, owner, expert, or ingest. Yes
profileId integer The profile ID of the user being added to the data source. Yes
groupId integer The ID of the group being added to the data source. No
approvals array Details about the user approving access: requiredPermission, specificApproverRequired, and specificApprover. No
expiration date The date the user's data source subscription ends. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer The user's subscription ID.
modelId integer The model ID.
modelType string The model type.
state string The user's data source role, such as subscribed.
denialReasoning string If the user was denied access, the reason for denial.
profile integer The user's profile ID.
group integer If a group was added, the group ID.
expiration date The date the user's subscription to the data source will expire.
acknowledgeRequired boolean If the data source is associated with a project, this value will be true if the user needs to confirm they have read the project acknowledgment.
createdAt timestamp The date and time of creation.
updatedAt timestamp The date and time of update.
approved boolean When true, the user's request has been approved.

Request example

The following request adds a user (saved in example-payload.json) to this data source.

curl \
    --request POST \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Request payload example
  "profileId": 3,
  "state": "subscribed"

Response example

  "id": 19,
  "modelId": "1",
  "modelType": "datasource",
  "state": "subscribed",
  "metadata": null,
  "admin": 2,
  "denialReasoning": null,
  "profile": 3,
  "group": null,
  "expiration": null,
  "acknowledgeRequired": false,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-21T14:24:12.528Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-21T14:24:12.528Z",
  "approved": true

Manage data source requests

Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/tasks/pending Get all pending tasks for this user and pending tasks this user has created.
GET /dataSource/tasks/{taskId} Handles the given task and marks it as complete.
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/tasks Returns all tasks the user has made/can approve or deny for this data source.
PUT /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access/{id} Change user status for a specific data source.

Get pending tasks by user


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/tasks/pending Get all pending tasks for this user and pending tasks this user has created.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
searchText string If specified, will filter results using the specified string. No
searchModel string Will filter the results by model type: dataSource or schemaEvolution. No
offset integer integer The number of results to skip (for paging). No
size integer The number of results to return per page. No
schemaEvolutionConnectionString string The schema evolution connection string to filter by. No
countBySchemaEvolution boolean Iftrue, will only return the number of tasks, grouped by schema evolution. No
countByDataSource boolean Iftrue, will only return the number of tasks, grouped by data source. No
countOnly boolean When true, will only return a count of the pending tasks. No
groupByDataSource boolean If true, will return the results as an array of { dataSourceId: , rows: }. No
types Array[string] Filters the results by the type of task: queryDebug, unmask, dataSourceCreated, columnAdded, columnDeleted, or columnTypeChanged. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
outgoing array Includes details of the tasks or requests created by the user, such as the count, type, and targetEmails.
incoming array Includes details about the tasks received by the user, such as the count, type, and targetEmails.

Request example

The following request gets all pending tasks for a user and pending tasks the user has created.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "outgoing": [],
  "incoming": [
      "fullCount": 1,
      "id": 7,
      "state": "pending",
      "type": "queryDebug",
      "reason": "Please help me with this query.",
      "targetNames": [
      "targetEmails": [
      "requester": {
        "name": "User 1",
        "id": 3,
        "email": ""
      "dataSource": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Public Fake Medical Claims 2017"
      "createdAt": "2021-10-12T18:56:22.954Z"

Mark tasks as complete


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/tasks/{taskId} Handles the given task and marks it as complete.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
taskId integer The task ID. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
result array Includes details about the task.

Request example

The following request handles the given task and marks it as complete.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "result": {
    "unmaskPairs": [
        "masked": "TnpjNFpXSXdOR1pqWkdNeE5EYzJPQT09OktaWjJEVldXZVluTmQ2SUVQdW1MajJtVTdqL2ZBT1JlaGFUUHJidmhkWmM9",
        "unmasked": ""
    "column": "email"

Return tasks for a data source


Method Path Purpose
GET /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/tasks Returns all tasks the user has made/can approve or deny for this data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes
states Array[string] The state of the tasks: pending or completed. No
targetProfileId integer Only returns tasks where the target user has this profile ID. No
requestingUserProfileId integer Only returns tasks where the requesting user has this profile ID. No
profileId integer Returns tasks where either the target or requesting user has this profile ID. No
searchText string A string used to filter returned users. The query is executed with a wildcard prefix and suffix. No
searchModel string A string used to determine how results should be filtered using searchText. No
types Array[string] The type of task: unmask, queryDebug, dataSourceCreated, columnAdded, columnDeleted, or columnTypeChanged. No
size integer The number of results to return. No
offset integer The number of results to skip (for paging). No
sortField string The field by which to sort the result set. No
sortOrder string The order in which to sort the results. The default is desc. No
countOnly boolean If true, will only return the number of tasks. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
hits array Includes details about each task, such as the id, state, type, and requestor.
count integer The total number of tasks.

Request example

The following request returns all tasks the user has made/can approve or deny for this data source.

curl \
    --request GET \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \

Response example

  "hits": [
      "fullCount": 2,
      "id": 6,
      "state": "completed",
      "type": "queryDebug",
      "reason": "I don't understand why my query isn't returning any results.",
      "targetNames": [
      "targetEmails": [
      "requester": {
        "name": "User 1",
        "id": 3,
        "email": ""
      "dataSource": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Public Fake Medical Claims 2017"
      "createdAt": "2021-10-12T15:48:23.095Z"
      "fullCount": 2,
      "id": 7,
      "state": "completed",
      "type": "queryDebug",
      "reason": "Is my query written properly?",
      "targetNames": [
      "targetEmails": [
      "requester": {
        "name": "User 1",
        "id": 3,
        "email": ""
      "dataSource": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Public Fake Medical Claims 2017"
      "createdAt": "2021-10-12T18:56:22.954Z"
  "count": 2

Change user status


Method Path Purpose
PUT /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/access/{subscriptionId} Change user status for a specific data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId Integer The data source ID. Yes
subscriptionId Integer The data source member's subscription ID. Yes
Attribute Description Required
state string The new status for the user: denied, subscribed, owner, expert or ingest. Yes

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
id integer The data source member's subscription ID.
modelId integer The model ID.
modelType array The model type (i.e., datasource).
state array The current state of the user's role: denied, subscribed, owner, expert, or ingest.
denialReasoning string The reason for the denial.
profile integer The profile ID.
group integer If a group's status is being updated, this is the group ID.
expiration 'timestamp' The date the user will no longer have access to the data source.
acknowledgeRequired boolean This attribute is specific to projects. When true the user needs to confirm they have read the project acknowledgement statement.
createdAt timestamp The date and time created.
updatedAt timestamp The date and time updated.
originalState array The user's previous status for the data source.
approved boolean If true, the status is approved.

Request example

The following request changes the user status to denied for the specified data source.

curl \
    --request PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "state": "denied"

Response example

  "id": 95,
  "modelId": "3",
  "modelType": "datasource",
  "state": "denied",
  "metadata": {},
  "admin": 2,
  "denialReasoning": "No longer works in this department.",
  "profile": 3,
  "group": null,
  "expiration": null,
  "acknowledgeRequired": false,
  "createdAt": "2021-10-12T15:40:13.878Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-10-12T16:10:46.801Z",
  "originalState": "subscribed",
  "approved": true

Update data sources

Method Path Purpose
PUT /dataSource/{dataSourceId} Update a data source.
PUT /dataSource/bulk/{type} Update multiple data sources.
POST /dataSource/bulkRefreshViews Refresh native views.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/blobs Save blob metadata to Immuta.
POST /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/persistBlob Save blob metadata to Immuta and store raw content in local blob store.
PUT /dataSource/detectRemoteChanges Trigger the schema monitoring job for the specified detection group, or all groups if no ID is given.
PUT /dataSource/{dataSourceId}/queries/{queryId} Update the query object for the provided query ID.

Update a data source


Method Path Purpose
PUT /dataSource/{dataSourceId} Update a data source.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
dataSourceId integer The data source ID. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
blobHandler array[object] A list of full URLs providing the locations of all blob store handlers to use with this data source. No
blobHandlerType string Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., MS SQL). No
recordFormat string The data format of blobs in the data source, such as json, xml, html, or jpeg. No
type string The type of data source: ingested (metadata will exist in Immuta) or queryable (metadata is dynamically queried). No
name string The name of the data source. It must be unique within the Immuta instance. No
sqlTableName string A string that represents this data source's table in the Query Engine. No
organization string The organization that owns the data source. No
category string The category of the data source. No
description string The description of the data source. No
owner array[object] Users and groups that should be added as owners to this data source. Profiles must be a list of profile IDs and groups must be a list of group IDs: { "profiles": [3, 5], "groups": [4, 1999] }. No
expert array[object] Users and groups that should be added as expert users to this data source. Profiles must be a list of profile IDs and groups must be a list of group IDs: { "profiles": [87, 199], "groups": [324] }. No
ingest array[object] Users and groups that should be added as ingest users to this data source. Profiles must be a list of profile IDs and groups must be a list of group IDs: { "profiles": [34, 23], "groups": [32] }. No
hasExamples boolean When true, the data source contains examples. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
private boolean When false, the data source will be publicly available in the Immuta UI.
blobHandler array[object] A list of full URLs providing the locations of all blob store handlers to use with this data source.
blobHandlerType string Describes the type of underlying blob handler that will be used with this data source (e.g., MS SQL).
recordFormat string The data format of blobs in the data source, such as json, xml, html, or jpeg.
type string The type of data source: ingested (metadata will exist in Immuta) or queryable (metadata is dynamically queried).
name string The name of the data source. It must be unique within the Immuta instance.
sqlTableName string A string that represents this data source's table in the Query Engine.
organization string The organization that owns the data source.
description string The description of the data source.
policyHandler array The ID of the policy handler and details about the data policies enforced on the data source.
subscriptionPolicy array Details about the subscription policy enforced on the data source, including the type of policy and exceptions.

Request example

The following request updates the data source's documentation (saved in example-payload.json).

curl \
    --request PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Request payload example
  "documentation": "# Public Credit Accounts\nThis request updates the data source documentation."

Response example

  "name": "Public Credit Accounts",
  "recordFormat": "Not Provided",
  "description": null,
  "policyHandler": {
    "handlerId": 21,
    "visibilitySchema": {
      "fields": [],
      "version": "2021-09-15T17:44:20.678Z"
    "previousHandlerId": 20,
    "dataSourceId": 1
  "sqlSchemaName": "public",
  "sqlTableName": "credit_accounts",
  "blobHandler": {
    "url": "",
    "ca": {
      "name": "Certificate Authority Bundle"
    "manualDictionary": false
  "createdBy": 2,
  "deleted": false,
  "type": "queryable",
  "recordCount": 0,
  "rowCount": "100000",
  "documentation": "# Public Credit Accounts\nThis request updates the data source documentation.",
  "statsExpiration": "2021-09-22T13:51:46.646Z",
  "id": 1,
  "blobHandlerType": "Snowflake",
  "policyHandlerType": "Builder",
  "subscriptionType": "approval",
  "subscriptionPolicy": {
    "type": "subscription",
    "approvals": [{
      "requiredPermission": "OWNER",
      "specificApproverRequired": false
  "globalPolicies": null,
  "status": "failed",
  "statusInfo": {
    "sql": {
      "status": "passed",
      "message": "Passed"
    "stats": {
      "status": "passed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-09-21T13:51:46.674Z"
    "fingerprint": {
      "status": "passed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-09-09T14:12:25.177Z"
    "lastAttempt": {
      "date": "2021-09-20T19:35:21.929Z"
    "globalPolicy": {
      "status": "passed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-09-17T19:07:38.092Z"
    "highCardinality": {
      "status": "failed",
      "message": "Error could not connect to remote database: \n[immuta-fdw] ODBC driver reported the following error during SQLDriverConnect: \n[immuta-fdw] 08001:1:0:[FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source\n[immuta-fdw] 01000:2:20002:[FreeTDS][SQL Server]Adaptive Server connection failed",
      "lastAttempted": "2021-09-20T16:43:19.426Z"
  "expiration": null,
  "catalogMetadata": null,
  "workspace": null,
  "seeded": false,
  "schemaEvolutionId": 1,
  "columnEvolutionEnabled": true,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-09T14:12:09.511Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-09-21T13:52:42.908Z"

Update multiple data sources


Method Path Purpose
PUT /dataSource/bulk/{type} Update data sources.

Query Parameters

Attribute Description Required
type string The action to perform on the data sources: add-users, disable, restore, delete, or tags. Yes

Payload Parameters

Attribute Description Required
ids array[integer] The IDs of the data sources to update. Yes
update array[object] Only required for add-users (includes metadata about the users' profiles: id and state) and tags (includes metadata about the tags: name and source) types. No

Response Parameters

Attribute Description
bulkId string The ID of the bulk data source update.
jobsCreated integer The number of jobs created.

Request example

The following request adds the tag to two data sources.

curl \
    --request PUT \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer dea464c07bd07300095caa8" \
    --data @example-payload.json \
Payload example
  "ids": [49, 50],
  "update": {
    "tags": [{
      "name": "",
      "source": "curated"

Response example

  "bulkId": "bulk_ds_update_4896d300e04c4a8f89493ebf125c5c6b",
  "jobsCreated": 2

Refresh native views


Method Path Purpose