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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2023.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Governance Page

Audience: Data Governors

Content Summary: This documentation illustrates the features on the Governance page in the Immuta UI. For details about concepts relating to Governors or for specific instructions for managing tags, running reports, or creating Global Policies, see the linked Governor guides.

Purposes Tab

Governors manage purposes for data use across Immuta. After creating a purpose, Governors can customize acknowledgement statements that users must agree to before accessing a project or data source. Project owners also have the ability to create purposes, and these purposes will populate in a list in the left panel of the Purposes tab on the Governance page as well.

Purposes Tab

Tags Tab

Governors can create tags or import external tags that Data Owners can then apply to projects, data sources, and data source columns.

Reports Tab

Governors can build reports to analyze how data is being used and accessed across Immuta using this Report Builder. Reports can be based on users, groups, projects, data sources, tags, purposes, policies, and connections within Immuta.

For detailed information on how to run reports, see Immuta Reports.

Notifications Tab

This tab contains a list of all activity associated with the Governor, data sources, and Global and Local Policies.