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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2023.1.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Immuta CDH Integration Prerequisites

Audience: System Administrators

Content Summary: The Immuta CDH integration installation consists of the following components:

  • Immuta NameNode plugin
  • Immuta Hadoop Filesystem plugin
  • Immuta Spark 1.6 Partition Service (DEPRECATED)
  • Immuta Spark 2 Partition Service

This page outlines the prerequisites required to successfully use these components on your CDH cluster.

This installation process has been verified to work with the following CDH versions:

  • 5.9.x
  • 5.12.x
  • 5.13.x
  • 5.14.x
  • 5.15.x
  • 5.16.x
  • 6.1.x
  • 6.2.x
  • 6.3.x

Set Up

Before installing Immuta onto your CDH cluster, the following steps need completed:

Enable HDFS Extended Attributes

Immuta requires that HDFS Extended Attributes are enabled.

Under the HDFS service of Cloudera Manager, Configuration tab, search for key:

Enable Access Control Lists

and, ensure the Checkbox is checked.

Generate an Immuta System API Key

An Immuta System API key will also need to be generated for the NameNode to communicate securely with the Immuta Web Service. You can generate the System API key via the Immuta Configuration UI.

Before installing the Immuta software on your CDH cluster, it is recommended that you export your cluster configuration via the Cloudera Manager API and send a copy to Immuta Support. This will enable our support team to assist you with specific configurations that may be required for your environment. Knowing the configuration and layout of your cluster will also help the support team to expedite troubleshooting and resolution of any potential issues that may arise with your Immuta installation.

curl -u ${ADMIN_USER}:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} "http://${CM_HOST}/api/v12/clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}/export" > export.json

Before sending the exported JSON file, it is recommended to look over the configurations and redact any information that you consider too sensitive to share externally. Cloudera Manager will automatically redact known passwords; however, there may be sensitive values embedded in your configuration that Cloudera Manager does not know about. An example of this may be configuration of a third-party cluster application that requires passwords or API keys in its cluster configuration.

Download the Immuta Parcel and CSD Artifacts

Needed Artifacts

Begin by downloading the Immuta Parcel and CSD for your Cloudera Distribution. A complete installation will require 3 files:

    • The .parcel file is the Immuta CDH parcel.
    • For versions that support it, Spark 1 is included in this parcel.
    • The .parcel.sha file contains a SHA1 hash of the Immuta .parcel file for integrity verification by Cloudera Manager.
  • IMMUTA-<VERSION>_<DATESTAMP>-<CDH_VERSION>-spark2-public.jar
    • The .jar file is the Custom Service Descriptor (CSD) for the Immuta service in Cloudera Manager.

The variables above are defined as:

  • <VERSION> is like "2023.1.2"
  • <DATESTAMP> is the compiled date in the format "YYYYMMDD"
  • <CDH_VERSION> must match your CDH version, like "5.16.2"
  • <LINUX_DISTRIBUTION> is either "el7" or "el6".

The Immuta Archives Site

These artifacts are available for download at If you are prompted to log in and need basic authentication credentials, reach out to your Immuta support professional.

All artifacts are divided up by subdirectories in the form of[Immuta Release]/[CDH Version].